Sunday, January 8, 2012
Kirstie Alley Gets a Tattoo on TV!
Not much on the actual tattooing itself but Ellen is just funny to watch!
And the end result was very perrrty :p
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Tribute To Michael Part #2
So here i am finally revealing my tribute tattoo to Michael Jackson, more than a year after getting it done!
As mentioned in my previous post, i didn't want to get a picture of his face cos i was afraid how the eyes and nose would turn out.
So i settled on a design which i think best captured the essence of the great man.
I wanted something that truly reflected how much Michael influenced me, especially my love for music. Which made me think of a music bar. And i decided to put it on my hip cos Michael is the one who got me so obsessed with dancing and the performing arts, and as every dancer worth her salt knows, dancing starts from the hips!
But i also wanted something more specific to remember Michael by, other than just putting his name there.
So Dazzie suggested i put the notes of one of his songs on the music bar. So which song did i decide on? Well Billie Jeans of course! His most iconic song with the most iconic video. I remember i was so obsessed with the video when it came out that i used to walk on these big slabs and pretend that they were lighting up one by one, just like in the video! I bet you guys did that too!!!! LOL
So i downloaded the music sheet and picked out the first few notes of the song....again the iconic beginning bass, which truth me told, still sends shivers down my spine to this day when i hear it.
Then i got my pal Neela to go through the notes just to make sure they were the correct ones, given her musical training. I mean i had to make sure i wasn't getting the notes for that Crazy Frog song etched on me! Eeek!
And then of course i put his name there. Now even this took a lot of thought...i didn't want to put MJ, King of Pop or Michael Jackson. So i simply put 'Michael' cos that was how i always referred to him.
Simply 'Michael'.
Now while i am so very happy with the end result, thanks to the amazing Nix, i feel i need to get another one to show how much i love this man cos this just doesn't feel enough! Believe it or not i still cry to this day when i hear his songs. It just really is too tragic and such a waste of talent. I mean not just his music and his performing skills, but that amazing amazing voice. Absolutely gorgeous and incomparable!
A big thank you to Prem, Neela and Jess for helping me out with the tattoo design and for coming along with me to get it done. And a special big thank you to Nix who made the experience so very memorable. I got it done on my birthday itself, which was the day he passed away and she played his songs the whole time. And we spent the hours reminiscing on our favourite Michael moments, songs and videos. It was just lovely!!!! Thanks a bunch girl!
Details :
Tattoo artist : Nix
Location : Tribal Bodyworks Tattoo & Piercing Studio, Lot F028, 1st floor, Sungai Wang Plaza, 50250 Kuala Lumpur
Operation hours : 12pm-9pm everyday
Contact : 0321443308
Email :
As mentioned in my previous post, i didn't want to get a picture of his face cos i was afraid how the eyes and nose would turn out.
So i settled on a design which i think best captured the essence of the great man.
I wanted something that truly reflected how much Michael influenced me, especially my love for music. Which made me think of a music bar. And i decided to put it on my hip cos Michael is the one who got me so obsessed with dancing and the performing arts, and as every dancer worth her salt knows, dancing starts from the hips!
So Dazzie suggested i put the notes of one of his songs on the music bar. So which song did i decide on? Well Billie Jeans of course! His most iconic song with the most iconic video. I remember i was so obsessed with the video when it came out that i used to walk on these big slabs and pretend that they were lighting up one by one, just like in the video! I bet you guys did that too!!!! LOL
Then i got my pal Neela to go through the notes just to make sure they were the correct ones, given her musical training. I mean i had to make sure i wasn't getting the notes for that Crazy Frog song etched on me! Eeek!
And then of course i put his name there. Now even this took a lot of thought...i didn't want to put MJ, King of Pop or Michael Jackson. So i simply put 'Michael' cos that was how i always referred to him.
Simply 'Michael'.
Now while i am so very happy with the end result, thanks to the amazing Nix, i feel i need to get another one to show how much i love this man cos this just doesn't feel enough! Believe it or not i still cry to this day when i hear his songs. It just really is too tragic and such a waste of talent. I mean not just his music and his performing skills, but that amazing amazing voice. Absolutely gorgeous and incomparable!
A big thank you to Prem, Neela and Jess for helping me out with the tattoo design and for coming along with me to get it done. And a special big thank you to Nix who made the experience so very memorable. I got it done on my birthday itself, which was the day he passed away and she played his songs the whole time. And we spent the hours reminiscing on our favourite Michael moments, songs and videos. It was just lovely!!!! Thanks a bunch girl!
With my tattoo artist Nix
Details :
Tattoo artist : Nix
Location : Tribal Bodyworks Tattoo & Piercing Studio, Lot F028, 1st floor, Sungai Wang Plaza, 50250 Kuala Lumpur
Operation hours : 12pm-9pm everyday
Contact : 0321443308
Email :
Friday, February 11, 2011
Tribute Tattoo : Rocksy

My brother's first tattoo. He took it like a man and commented that it didn't hurt at all :)
In fact her whole food time was a ritual. She wouldn't eat until i pretended to want to steal her food, then she would growl and bark at me and do this whole cute wiggle with her backside then finally eat. And again only if my mum sat there and watched and coaxed her to eat! A family friend actually told us that she wished she were our dog cos she got such fantastic treatment!
Not only was she the most beautiful dog we had ever had, given our hobbit proportions, she was also the tallest person in the house!! LOL! Whenever my mum took her out for her walk, she would quite literally turn heads and people would come up to my mum just to compliment her.
She was definitely closest to my mum and was her shadow. She would follow her everywhere! Even when she went to the bathroom she would wait right outside the door. And if my mum were to go out for a while, she would sit with the longest face and refuse to eat and until she came home. And when she finally did come home, Rocksy would bark and lunge at her as if scolding her for going out....nevermind that it was only for 5 minutes!
My first coloured tattoo. Prem commented that the red symbolized that she was my blood sister and i thought that was so apt.
Contrary to what Prem likes to say, she was also extremely smart. Pet tricks aside, she could actually open our house door. She would jump up and actually press down on the knob with her paw so that she could sit and wait for my mum to come home. And when it was prayer time, she would jump up unto the couch to sit with us.
I loved how whimsical the design looked. Reflected her playfulness.
My relationship with her was one of two siblings who were always fighting with each other. I constantly annoyed her whenever i could and truth be told, she actually enjoyed it as well. As for my brother, she absolutely adored him! She was with us for 11 years so it was only fitting that we got something to remember her. She was really the sister i never had and i seriously doubt that anyone could ever take her place.
We miss you very very much Rocksy girl!
Thanks to Nixx from Spec Body Art @ Sungai Wang Plaza for the wonderful tattoos!
Contact : 0123200387 for appointment.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Tattoo 101 : Tattoo Design
There are two main things when it comes to preparing for a tattoo…numero uno would be of course picking the tattoo design (duh!) and second of all is picking the location of the design. To me the latter is just as important as the design itself cos different designs look better in certain locations.
Rihanna's hip tatt
Which is why I always advise people to do a thorough internet search first to see what other people have done. I usually research each tattoo for about a year cos it’s absolutely vital that it looks fab and in the location I want it at. This is for life after all peeps!
Nicole Richie's bow on the neck
Or sometimes you might have a rough idea of what you want but you could be artistically challenged like me (I can’t even draw a decent stick-man!) and need to see what others have done to help ‘shape’ your idea and design. And unless you’ve got a relative or friend who has the innate talents of Picasso…ok so that’s a stretch…maybe not Picasso but at least someone whose drawings elicits ‘oohs’ and ‘aahs’ as opposed to laughter (yes I’m talking bout me!!!), I would highly recommend either looking through tattoo books (which are available at the tattoo parlours of course) or the internet.
I prefer the internet cos you can Google the most insane things (like “tattoo you should get if you want to kill your grandma and bury her under the stairs”) and still come up with results which are pretty darn close to what you were looking for!
Alyssa Milano's orubus on the wrist
So for ideas on designs, you can check out this website which has pictures of people with their ink(s) all categorized nicely for easy navigation : Tattoo Designs
And while I know they say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, that adage does not apply in the world of tattooing. In fact nothing screams loser more than copying someone's ink and it's (more than enough) reason to get bitch-slapped into oblivion.
So only use it to get ideas for your own design(s)
Good luck!
Images : Source Google Images
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Tribute to Michael Part #1
I've been back and forth about whether or not i should get a Michael Jackson tribute tattoo
But the other day, while listening to his album in my car, i found myself in tears....for the hundreth time since his death. And somehow that helped me make up my mind about it....cos frankly i don't think i've cried over it relatives who have died, friends who have passed on, dead pets, ex-boyfriends etc etc....for this long!

I mean sure you feel the pang of loss and everything but to still sob one year on is quite alien to me. This man has without a doubt touched me in such a profound way...of course i would have preferred it literally la :p
For the uniniated, Michael, the first true love of my life, passed away on my birthday. A cruel cruel irony i know. And this friday marks his 1 year anniversary so i've decided to get him immortalized on me forever on that day itself.
I have spent the last one year trying to decide on what exactly to get cos of course i didn't want to get what everyone or anyone else had. An internet search revealed some pretty interesting and some scary tribute tattoos
I had actually initially decided on getting his legs in his signature 'point' pose cos i noticed no one had done it before and if anything, Michael was the one who started me (and about a million other people) on my deep love for dancing. And when i did my search last year no one had gotten it done yet.
But when i googled it again this year i found that quite a few people had gotten it done, so that sent me back to the drawing board....quite literally cos i figured i would actually have to design the tattoo myself. Which has proven to be very very challenging cos i am artistically challenged...i can't even bloody draw a stickman!!!
Design i had initially wanted to get
I did really want to get a potrait of him but i am very very sceptical when it comes to faces, cos one wrong 'stroke' and it could end up looking like Donald Duck with a facial tick! So i gave up on that.
But after several hours researching and going through all my Michael Jackson stuff i have finally settled on a design. It will still reflect his musical influence on me and will hopefully be one of a kind, and more importantly worthy of him
One of the best tribute tattoos i've seen!
I will be getting it done with Spec Ung, the dude who did my first tattoo 10 years ago in penang!! An appointment has been set and hopefully it will turn out fantastic! *Fingers crossed*
Miss you Michael!
Source : Google Images
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