My friend Daisy had been previously tattooed using the machine, but she was really excited about getting one done traditionally especially since my sister and I told her that the pain is like pulling your eyebrow...hehe.
So we went to Ernesto to get it done.
Anyway, she decided she wanted something tribal of course cos that's the only way to go if you wanted it done traditionally. And she wanted a design the means 'protection'.
She's from Sabah by the way & what better design to get then a design of the Hornbill cos Sarawak is the Land of the Hornbill (duh!!!).
No specific reason why she chose the placement but the location is kinda cool for that specific design.
She did it on 23 Dec 2007 starting at 6.00pm and it took him close to 2 hours to tat her cos she's thick skin...literally.
Her skin just couldn't penetrate the ink well & Ernesto had to hit the same spot longer then he normally does.
In fact he had to take a 15 minutes ciggy break in between cos his arm was getting tired.
Her face was red by the time he was done. But I must say, she did not whine during the whole process except for the occasional 'ouch'.
And so, Daisy became a happy lady on Christmas Day & decided she's coming back in Feb to get it extended
The completed design...well so far anyway
Thanks Dazed for the submission :p
ah. i see. the tattoo looks good! hmm. might get my third from this dude then.
Oh you really should...i will personally vouch for him. Got 3 tatts done by him and last year took 2 of my mates to get their 1st tatts done....needless to say they LOVED LOVED it
Thanks for dropping by :p
Nice nice.. Beautiful piece of work..
OMG!! cant believe shirlyn really posted it. LOL. glad my tatt could be one of ur post sabrina.
Hey Daisy....thanks a lot for the submission! Your tatt looks soo the awesomeness la...i so jeles :p
hehe, thanks! Will be getting another one soon. We should go together in July to get something done from Ernesto.
Yes yes definitely! Watch this space for details :P
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