If you think you're looking at pigs with a rare skin disease, look again cos it's actually tattoos!

Yes that's right....live pigs with tattoos on them!

Now i know usually tattoo artists, or rather apprentices use pig skin to practice their tattooing, but i think in this case, these pigs are actually tattooed and later these skins are used to make purses!
As much as I'm a fan of body art...
I must say that if bloody inhumane! Tattoos area all fine and dandy...when people are consenting to it. There's absolutely no need to subject the pig to unnessescary pain or discomfort.
Practicing on pig skins is as fine as it goes...when the pigs are dead and already, no doubt being hung up as bacon in a supermarket...and they can even use THOSE skins to make handbags later on for all I care...
But really, this is actually quite disturbing....I am not a fan of pigs...dead or alive...but...poor pigs
vuitton?! blehh
Zee : I totally agree! Just because they're animals that doesn't mean they can be treated in any way! Such a coward act la
Thanks for visiting :p
Thevan : I know like damn ugly right???
Hellooooo!! You've been MIA!!!
Yes ma'am. I'm still alive. Busy like [expletive] this week.
Taking time out to try to update the blog. Shit out my thoughts there etc.
Oh, despite my silence i've actually been lurking at your blog. So yeah, i know about your issue of big papayas in spandex haha!
Hi there!Long time no new post.Whatz up?Anyways nice blog.My new year resolution was for a new blog on tattoo niche.Well it became a reality now.It concentrates on female tattoos.Hence the name.Please leave your comments Sabrina.Thank Q for your consideration in advance.
that certainly is an ugly bag
Yee Wei : Papayas in spandex??!!! Hahahahahaha
TFB : I know!!! Been very busy. Will be visiting soon
Julia : AGREED!!!
Nursemyra : I know!!!! I can't believe people actually pay big money for this shit!
Thanks for visting
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