Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Chang's Traditional Hornbill Tattoo

For my first tattoo, I wanted something that can remind me to stay positive and never give up easily in whatever I do…

Robin drawing out the tattoo and preparing Chang's leg

Since I had decided to get an iban traditional tattoo, I felt the hornbill was the perfect choice for what I wanted.

The Ibans believe the hornbill or kenyalang is a messenger of the war god and is believed to provide protection against the intrusion of evil spirits living in the jungle.

Ernesto assessing his 'prey' :p

I decided to get it done traditionally cos i heard that the ink lasts longer and it supposedly has a better, more authentic look to it. Plus....less painful la :)

The tattoo artist was Ernesto Kalum. In my opinion, Ernesto is the man la.. i consider him a legend la coz he got to jam with Noel Redding (Jimi Hendrix's bassist)!!! [Chang is obsessed with guitars].

As for the tattooing, he did an excellent job and he made the experience absolutely fun! Really cool dude!

The tattooing itself was a lot less painful than i initially thought it would be. Already planning for my next tattoo which would be on my rib cage...

The finished design

A big thank you to Prem. He bet with me that i wouldn't dare to get it done....guess who ended-up sponsoring my tattoo? Heh heh heh

Chang with his Hornbill tatt


Anonymous said...

Where is the artist location?

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now. Keep it up!
And according to this article, I totally agree with your opinion, but only this time! :)

Ninja said...

Brandon : It really is!

Anon1 : He is in kuching sarawak...just near hilton

Anon2 : Thank you

Anonymous said...

I must digg your article therefore more people are able to see it, very helpful, I had a hard time finding the results searching on the web, thanks.

- Murk

Ninja said...

Thanks a lot and thanks for dropping by :)