Now in my personal opinion, the girl can't act to save her life but she sure has some nice ink on her!

Just above her right ankle, Megan Fox has a crescent moon overlapping a five pointed star. It is the one visibly colored tattoo that she has.
On her Marilyn tattoo which she got done after the first Transformers : "She was one of the first people I saw on television, like, literally moments after I was born. Every time I heard her voice growing up I always would cry. I wouldn't know why when I was younger but had my own theories. I've just always empathized with her."

The words "We will all laugh at gilded butterflies" on her back which is a reference from Shakespeare's King Lear.

On the inside of Megan's left wrist is a tribal tattoo of two waves entwined like a yin and yang symbol

She plans on removing this tattoo or getting it covered up as the tattoo artist was stoned while doing it and it's now all messed up.
"The guy was smoking weed while he tattooed me and he didn't do it correctly. Now it's nothing and I'm gonna get it removed. I was told he was a really amazing tattoo artist but he wasn't on his game that night. He was distracted."

On the back of her neck, the Chinese character for 'strength'

On her rib cage : "there once was a little girl who never knew love until a boy broke her HEART"
Fox has said of her tattoos that "Every time I get a tattoo, it's a little 'fuck you' to anyone who tells me not to"

The word "Brian"
On her hip, the name of her on again-off again fiance, Brian Austin Greene of 90210, the original one.
Apparently after this, the star wants to get a sleeve. Hopefully she saves some money for acting classes as well *meow* :p
Does that mean i'm gay cos i still wanna bonk her!
I agree with Anonymous. I would still wanna bang her!
it was a joke... lol...
weeklyworldnews always does that... few years back... they spread a rumor saying jacko's was murdered ages ago... saying the police found his skeleton in his neverneverland ranch... lol... they like doing that so some ppl will believe... and spread those lies to others...
Anon 1 : Well i've come across many hot women that i would love to take a tumble with, but i don't think that makes me gay. Labels....labels
Anon 2 : You and every other human being on the planet!
Anon3 : Really??? Hmmmm....i never heard that one...thanks for clearing it up though
I don't like Megan Sux!I luv Saby Fox!!!
Dr : Ok now i'm scared!! LOL!!!!
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